Dear my friends,


Last week, I wrote you a letter kindly asking for your valuable feedback about our business, so that we can enhance for a brighter decade together. 


… And my team and I have been surprised and so happy to see a REAL flood of constructive replies and votes coming in… Hundreds of devoted responses within just a few days! Thank you so much for your unwavering support, encouragement, love, trust, and care… which still persist despite the problems or inconveniences caused to you (we actually thought many of you left us). My team and I cannot be happier because we sent a heartfelt request for help and have received heartfelt feedback.


After carefully reading all of your treasured words, my team and I have developed a comprehensive plan to implement important changes based on the most common and valuable feedback from the community.


1. Pricing’s prices were much lower when the business was only me as a solopreneur or a group of freelancers many years ago. Why? Because the business costs were somewhere “near zero” back then. 


However, the business has expanded so quickly, pushing us to the only choice of incorporating it. And here’s the problem… After becoming a company, our business costs have quickly surged with unimaginably hundreds of costs (anyone having a company with 10+ people will certainly understand this). Running a company is very different from operating as a freelance group.


We are now a company with ~30 (thirty) people on our staff, united to provide traders with the best products and best customer service possible. To ensure flawless business operation and strong motivation for our entire staff, pricing updates are necessary, as you have already seen.


A common reality often observed is that a freelancer may charge just $100 for a product/service that companies typically provide for $200 or $300 as a minimum. This substantial difference often originates from a major reason: the “cost” problem. Despite their higher prices, companies tend to be more stable and less likely to disappear.


DONE: As a solution to the price point, we provide exclusive discounts for all ninZaFamily members. If the prices are your concern, just don’t be worried because ninZaFamily members will receive a minimum 25% discount, or 10% extra on top of other promotions. If you are not a member yet, join ninZaFamily today to enjoy the special prices for our private community.


2. Website


Thank you so much for tons of helpful feedback about our website: layout, design, color, space, popup, menu, navigation, feeling… We have collected all the valuable info and started a special campaign to revive and enhance the website, aimed to bring visitors much more ease, comfort, and convenience.


DONE: We have restored the Light theme, which is preferred to the Dark theme. We have also restored the Red tone for familiarity and memory (which had been with us for 9.5 years before the change). We have turned off or minimized the chatbox, and reduced the display of popups.


DOING: We are working with our dev partner to quickly fix the reported problems. The earliest releases are scheduled for launch in late May, which will redesign the sidebar and reduce the banners’ coverage on non-home pages for increased comfort and simplicity.


And that’s just the start of a series of important changes to make our e-commerce store become what it should be: Elegant, Professional, and Convenient. Thank you for all your precious feedback and ideas.


3. Marketing


DONE: The 30-day exchange policy has already taken effect (doubling the previous period of 15 days). My team has minimized newsletter sending for/about other vendors, where "minimize" means almost none. 


DOING: We will focus on materializing our mission “EMPOWER the Trading World”. It’s not a mere statement, but a goal that we will wholeheartedly pursue. “EMPOWER” means we will actively accompany and support the community to the best of our ability. Please stay tuned for our next campaigns coming with a “giveaway” spirit!


4. Copywriting


DOING: Simply put, my team will use a less sales-oriented tone, focus on presenting facts, and write with sincerity filled in our hearts.


5. Customer Care


I’m so proud that our customer service has received near-zero negative feedback and so many compliments. Wow!!! This is unbelievable, especially considering that we serve thousands of traders and address hundreds of different types of problems. 


We always place customer service at the core of our business, treating it as one of the most important domains we MUST excel in. The great feedback we have received strongly encourages us to keep serving our customers tirelessly.


DOING: Despite the good state of our customer service, my team is determined to enhance it even further, with the spirit "Customers are friends". My wish (and business goal) is that you will always feel like you are talking to a friend who really cares about you… every time you connect with our support team.


6. Product Info


DOING: Having received ample feedback regarding inadequate product information for decision-making, my team and I have set a goal to enhance the explanations of our products. With a super vast array of offerings, we will first prioritize improving and completing product information for our best sellers, new releases, and high-value items. This necessitates offering more comprehensive details across all presentations, including product descriptions, images, videos, manuals...



I have excitedly shared with you some of the key changes in the major fields of our business. There are still many more remarkable innovations to be released, outside of what’s mentioned above, because it’s impossible to cover everything in this single writing. 


All in all, my team and I earnestly promise that we will do our best to advance and continue creating more and more value for the community, as a heartfelt thank-you for your trust and support.


In addition to introducing the upcoming key changes, I would like to clarify a very important point: we are a trading software company, not a trading education company. Even though this can be disappointing, I have to make it clear to all of you (in case we did not explicitly state it in the past).


We provide high-quality trading software to assist traders in building good trading systems and gaining advantages in the markets, but it’s mainly the traders themselves who manage to exploit our products to the fullest. Trading professionally requires extensive knowledge, experience, wisdom, self-control… which are far beyond the scope of our support.


To illustrate this, allow me to provide you with some examples:

> Adobe created Photoshop but the people who create art masterpieces are talented artists who use Photoshop, not Adobe’s staff.

> Car companies sell you great cars, but cannot provide you with driving licenses. People have to earn driving licenses themselves in order to drive cars.

Unlike other types of software that can be easily deemed "working" or not, an indicator can hardly be evaluated objectively. Our best sellers like Solar Wind, Cosmik Z-TP, Multi-Osc OB/OS Overlap, LOFI Supply/Demand, Rev^Out Scalping... or RK-Sys Platinum have helped so many traders earn significant real-money profits. However, the very same products have also faced criticism regarding their effectiveness. So, are these products good or not? Their effectiveness mostly depends on the expertise of the trader utilizing them.


While this may be controversial and disappointing, my team and I have no intention of concealing the fact that we are a trading software company, not a trading education company. I firmly believe in being transparent about what we can and cannot do for you, ensuring that you will not waste your time and investment at


That being said, my team and I are thinking of building an environment where traders gather together to share their success lessons. With this idea, provides trading software (technology) and the environment (educational space) for traders to instruct and guide each other on how to beat the markets with’s products.


If this project succeeds, ninZaFamily can be the biggest victorious trading community in the world.


Please let me know your thoughts and ideas on this ???

(it’s very tough, but not impossible)


Before concluding this writing, I insist on a crucial point that we need you to understand: we TRULY want you to stably and perpetually WIN with the long-term support of our productsThe reasons are straightforward:

> We genuinely wish for our products to demonstrate their value by helping you consistently make real-money profits that far exceed your investments. That’s a wonderful exchange of money and value.

> We would like to see your satisfaction, happiness, and would love to read your success stories, every day answering tickets.

> Your trading success ensures your stable financial capability to consistently invest more in our products, enabling you to optimize and enhance your trading continuously. A win-win situation!


Thank you for following me to these final words. If you have any ideas or suggestions about constructing a profitable trading community together, please go ahead and send your opinions here.


Have a wonderful day with positive trading results!


