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Alert Sound Maker uses Microsoft's text-to-speech technology.

This article will instruct you how to add new languages & voices from Microsoft's servers.

Windows 7

In Windows 7, it is almost impossible to add more voices.

On most computers, the default voice (Microsoft Anna - English) is the only choice in the list.

Few computers provide more than one pre-installed voices.

In 99% of cases (regardless of whether a computer has one or multiple pre-installed voices), adding a new voice or language in Windows 7 does NOT end up with success.

Windows 8/10

In Windows 8 or Windows 10, you can easily install new languages & voices.

Step 1 - Make sure Windows Update is enabled

Without Windows Update enabled, you cannot download any language packages.
  • Windows 8: Please follow this instruction to navigate to Windows Update settings, then make sure you have "Install updates automatically (recommended)" selected.
  • Windows 10: By design, Windows Update cannot be switched off, so you don't have to do anything. However, if you are using a third-party application to switch off Windows Update, please temporarily turn it on.
Step 2 - Find & download a language package

Almost all popular languages are supported: English, Chinese, Spanish, Russian, French, Italian, German, Japanese, Arabic... This means you will be able to have alerts spoken in your native language.

Please follow any of the following instructions to install a language package you want (each language package usually consists of several voices).